Honda Standard Motorcycles

All Style. All Performance. All Honda.

Honda Standard owners instinctively know that there’s a special kind of relationship between rider and machine. It’s about feeling the power that a Honda bike offers, but also being in complete control of it.

  • CB500F stationary in grey concrete landscape.

    Brimming With Style and Comfort

    Experience the perfect blend of style and comfort with Honda Standard motorcycles. The rider-friendly designs are versatile and the seating positions are open and relaxed letting you sit up a little straighter.

  • Rider on CB750, turning right on road, front facing. Green hills, trees and grass in background

    New CB750

    The CB750 is the newest addition to the category! Enjoy the sporty yet sensible character that makes it the perfect choice for just about any type of rider, and any type of ride.

  • Rider on CB1000SP under bridge on road.

    Multiple Sizes

    Honda Standard category features various sizes of bikes to cater to many types of riders. From 500cc to 1000cc there are options for beginners to advanced riders.

Non-Canadian model(s) may be shown. Actual Canadian production model(s) may vary.